Central America

Picture turquoise waters sheltering stunning offshore coral reefs… White sand beaches abutted by verdant forests thick with vegetation and wildlife. Imagine smooth inland waterways providing access to unusual ecosystems… And jungle-shrouded mountain ranges boasting breathtaking views. Welcome to Manuel Antonio National Park where Costa Rica family adventure begins. Located on the Central Pacific Coast of […]

July 14, 2018

Costa Rica Family Adventure: Manuel Antonio National Park

Costa Rica family adventure

Our family trip to Panama this summer included three of my favorite things: nature, adventure and authentic connections. From the iconic Panama Canal, to the gorgeous beaches of Bocas del Toro, to the highlands of Chiriqui, the itinerary was filled with family-friendly activities and new discoveries. Group Travel There’s something unique about exploring a country […]

September 15, 2017

A Panama Family Adventure: Nature, Adventure and Authentic Connections