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The power of tales and short stories in our children’s lives and upbringing is immense. Stories are magic. They teach us about the world, its people and cultures. They help us make sense of ourselves and the world around us. Earlier this year, I heard the beautiful story of Indra’s Net, a traditional Buddhist and […]

October 8, 2016

World Stories: Indra’s Net

Indra's Net

Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Pahimaam Sri Ganesha Sri Ganesha Sri Ganesha Rakshamaam I never thought I’d be waking up to the sound of my four-year-old singing this (or any) mantra, but that is just what happened yesterday. “At least one of us will be zen this summer” I thought, still drowsy, but with […]

July 31, 2015

Unique Vacations: A Family Yoga Retreat