Browse our travel tips and inspiration.


Although far from a new concept, multigenerational travel (trips involving three generations or more) is on the rise. On the one hand, multigenerational family households are increasing. As reported in this article, “57 million Americans, or 18.1% of the population of the United States, lived in multi-generational family households in 2012, double the number who […]

August 8, 2015

Multigenerational Travel: 10 Tips for a Successful Multigenerational Trip

Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Pahimaam Sri Ganesha Sri Ganesha Sri Ganesha Rakshamaam I never thought I’d be waking up to the sound of my four-year-old singing this (or any) mantra, but that is just what happened yesterday. “At least one of us will be zen this summer” I thought, still drowsy, but with […]

July 31, 2015

Unique Vacations: A Family Yoga Retreat

I don’t travel alone much since I’ve had kids. In fact, I’m afraid I don’t do much of ANYTHING on my own these days… When I had my first baby, my loss of independence was certainly the biggest adjustment for me. Not the sleepless nights. Not the countless diaper changes. Not the painful first weeks breastfeeding. Hormones […]

July 5, 2015

When Our Plans Don’t Involve the Kids

Our little family has been home in Madrid for a few days now and are fully enjoying the normality that comes with it. Sleeping in our own beds, the girls in school, slowly getting back into a rhythm at work. Coming home is always gratifying and we promised ourselves to take it easy this weekend. […]

January 11, 2015

Patones de Arriba: A Black-Slate Spanish Village

On day 4 of our Amazon expedition in Brazil we start our day in Moura, a community of 500 inhabitants along the Rio Negro, where we meet local folks and spend a leisurely morning with the kids and teachers at Escola Santa Rita. Even though there are less than 200 families in this community, the […]

October 21, 2014

Amazon Adventure: Carnaval in Moura!

It is our last morning in Umbria, Italy. My 5-year old daughter is restless. Instead of playing with her new friends, she’s upset about wearing shorts over a dress, she’s whining about having to eat breakfast and finding any excuse to complain. She is naturally tired after a week packed with adventures. And what an […]

July 22, 2014

The Reason We Travel

On day 4 of our Amazon expedition in Brazil we stop in Moura, a community of 500 inhabitants along the Rio Negro. Here our families meet folks from the local community. We visit their library for a story telling session before engaging in a special activity with school children from Escola Santa Rita. In addition to organizing […]

July 6, 2014

One World Futbol World Cup Giveaway: help a community in the Amazon get their own indestructible soccer ball

The sun rises at Madada. You’d think that all that excitement from the first day would have worn off a little bit after a restful night, but no. Their anticipation is palpable. After all, today we get to hike in primary forest and learn about the Amazon plants and wildlife. Before we leave for our […]

July 1, 2014

Our Amazon Adventure: Hiking in the jungle

This post is part of a blogging carnival promoted by Multicultural Kid Blogs and hosted by Kid World Citizen. This month’s theme is “flags”. As soon as I saw the word “flags” I was taken back to Tibet 12 years ago where, surrounded by thousands of colorful prayer flags, I had one of the most […]

June 10, 2014

Tibetan Prayer Flags: an inspiring craft for kids

Blogagem coletiva. Um conceito novo e um pouco intimidante para quem não escrevia nada além de contratos e emails até poucos meses atrás. Mas, incentivada pela grande Adriana Pasello do blog Diário de Viagem, e sentindo-se super apoiada e bem acompanhada por tantos outros blogueiros incríveis, decidi tomar coragem e participar. Mas, e agora? Como […]

May 25, 2014

(português) Blogagem Coletiva: Top 5 destinos da nossa wish list